Saturday, 12 July 2008


from the West

"The word 'politics' is derived from the word 'poly', meaning 'many', and the word 'ticks,' meaning 'blood sucking parasites'."

- Larry Hardim -

Friday, 11 July 2008

Climate Change - Cut through the spin

Given our proximity to many of the biggest polluters in this state some of us in the local Community believe it is time we started speaking out on the issue.

Many people realise that we must urgently cut our greenhouse pollution, however many don't have time to study the detail of the issue, such as reading Professor Garnaut's shocking 600-page climate report.

Getup reports: "Garnaut is already under fire from a "scare campaign" being waged by the polluting industries' lobby groups and the Opposition. That is why it's so important that you can pick a good climate solution from a bad one".

I have put together this quick link list so you can cut through the spin with a click or two:

Getup short video on the Garnaut report: Click here.

GetUp's factsheet (PDF) on the proposed climate change solutions: Click here.

Total Environment Centre, Greenpeace and Climate Action Network Australia have launched a new low carbon future website: Click here.

No doubt Industry response will be to try and shift the focus onto the community ie: cars.

I think a blog about how much pollution Kwinana Industry emits compared to every car in the local community would not go astray.

Thursday, 10 July 2008

What is in the air we breathe

As shown below this data taken from the 2006 NPI database gives you some idea. The figures reported are total kg of estimated emissions by Kwinana Industry for that reporting year.
It is worth noting that NPI data has been proven to be a seriously underestimated view of the real emissions, the data reported below as 0.00 does not necessarily mean zero emissions of that substance, but rather the emissions are not known not reported or way underestimated.
TOTAL in kg/year
14,040.42 Acetaldehyde
28,500.00 Acetone
620.02 Acrylamide
270.02 Acrylic Acid
2,003,090.35 Ammonia
1.02 Antimony
104.62 Arsenic
3,257.00 Benzene
9.26 Beryllium
210.02 1,3-Butadiene (vinyl ethylene)
59.95 Cadmium
461.00 Carbon Disulfide
5,017,000.00 Carbon Monoxide
0.00 Chlorine *We know of Chlorine releases from various sources such as Tiwest.
312.79 Chromium III
25.80 Chromium VI
24.24 Cobalt
278.14 Copper
570.00 Cumene (1-Methylethybenzene)
5,800.00 Cyanide
9,010.00 Cyclohexane
2.10 1,2 Dibromoethane
370.00 Ethanol
1,978.00 Ethylbenzene
47,126.00 Fluoride
17,506.20 Formaldehyde
18,420.00 n-Hexane
230.00 Hydrogen Sulphide
357,196.80 Hydrochloric Acid
152.61 Lead
0.00 Magnesium Oxide
435.05 Manganese
338.58 Mercury
2,238.46 Nickel
0.00 Nickel Carbonyl
0.00 Nickel Subsulphide
14,374,300.00 Oxides of Nitrogen
1,718,160.00 Particulate Matter PM10
11.00 Phenol
0.00 Polychlorinated Dioxins and Furans *Dioxins not reported by most industries.
641.77 Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons
7.87 Selenium
9.90 Styrene (ethenylbenzene)
9,697,266.00 Sulphur Dioxide
1,290.91 Sulphuric Acid
21,997.00 Toluene
2,382,495.00 Volatile Organic Compounds
10,320.00 Xylene's
666.00 Zinc

Are you still convinced there is no pollution from Kwinana Industry?

Wednesday, 9 July 2008

When will it end?

Well another sleepless night, illegal levels of Noise from Kwinana Industry keeping me awake in the early hours again for the 2nd night in a row.

But of course the noise has been reduced just ask Kwinana Industry.

No - I didn't go out in the middle of the night looking for the source.

Where are our authorities? Where are the noise monitors? Of course that would prove a problem and then our corrupt Government would have to take some action.

Forget environmental justice, ignore the health effects, just protect big corporate industry and their almighty dollar at any cost.

Monday, 7 July 2008

I admire Whistleblowers

I understand that a number of Industries in Kwinana have warned their workers not to talk to us!

Just what does Kwinana Industry have to hide? I know their are incidents in Kwinana Industry on a regular basis, some we get to hear about - many we dont.

The Community has a right to know what is going on in Kwinana Industry and what risks we face from Industry. Workers in Kwinana Industry are also our Guinea Pigs in a way.

Whistleblowers in my view, are those with a conscience that want to right the wrongs and I have a lot of respect for them.

So if you have any information on Environmental, Pollution or Risk/Safety issues in Kwinana please email: or phone 9439 1283. I personally guarantee your details will not be disclosed to anyone.
"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has".
Margaret Mead US anthropologist & popularizer of anthropology (1901 - 1978)

Sunday, 6 July 2008

CIF Voting

Tuesday 8-7-08 Please note:

In the interest of fairness this blog post has been removed because it seems that what happened regarding the CIF voting procedure was a genuine mistake.

As has been said before this blog and what we do, is about Kwinana Industry as a whole and those in this community that are affected by Kwinana Industry, it is not about any individual.

We can all make mistakes, hopefully Kwinana Industry can remember this next time I make a mistake, instead of launching a personal attack.