A dream of a political party that is serious about openely and honestly representing the people of this state. A political Party that truly cares about people and the future. A political party that resists greed and corruption. Is this dream a possible reality?
It seems most people I talk to about politics have lost faith in our political parties in WA. Polititians appear to be on the nose with most average folk more than ever before.
The Labour and Liberal parties may as well be on the same side. Minor parties like the Greens in my view have lost the plot and I fear too many people will vote independant.
So why not start a new political party? A party for the people. A party to represent communities not just big business. A party that is not full of arogant, self centred useless creatures. A party that cares. A party that will seriously address the major issues like hospitals, environment etc.
Basically all it takes is 500 odd members to kick it off.
What could we name this new political party? Labour for the Environment? WA Peoples Party?
Any thoughts or ideas?
Or should I just go back to into a slumber?
"A government, for protecting business only, is but a carcass, and soon falls by its own corruption and decay". - Amos Bronson Alcott
5 weeks ago
It's a sad state of afairs we've got at the moment. The Labor Government is getting away with murder because of the truly shameful state of the opposition.
Yep Dave, With the election tipped to take place in october it looks like we will be in for much of the same.
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