Monday, 23 June 2008

Who are you going to vote for?

Recieved this via email today...
Crikey Tips and Rumours:

"The story has it that former lobbyist Roger Cook, now preselected by the ALP for Kwinana in WA ahead of the popular local mayor, has not been slow in seeking campaign donations. Perfectly legal of course. But should the people of Kwinana really be happy when a former lobbyist -- who used to take money from companies to do the company's political bidding -- then runs for parliament, while continuing to seek money from companies, though now as "campaign donations"?
The Crikey website (highly recomended).


shiny said...

This is off topic and I know you will have your own opinion on the Kwinana mayor but I continue find it sickening that these "yes men" keep getting preselection at the expense of a capable local person just because she's female and not likely to bite her tongue and toe the party line.

But that's off topic and most likely another post entirely.

Steve said...

Thanks Observer... I agree and its not that far off topic. I could and probably will at some time do another post on this subject.