Right on cue Tiwest strikes again.
Details are sketchy, because as usual it seems the Kwinana Community is being kept in the dark over serious incidents in Kwinana Industry, but apparently Tiwest had ANOTHER emergency incident this morning with evacuations etc.
By 3:30 pm this afternoon the authorities (DEC) had still not been informed of the incident by industry.
I was not in Kwinana at the time of the incident, but other Community Group Reps report that as usual the emergency communication service was not used.
Much of the usual really.
I have lost count of the incidents (gas releases etc) at Tiwest over the last 6 months.
More later as we try and uncover the details.
In the mean time read more on Tiwest here, here and here.
5 weeks ago
We should all know by now that industry and they're teams of spin doctors will only feed this community good news. They won't tell us any bad news, this we have to uncover or have people like you uncover for us. I bet they wish you would go away, keep up the good work lad, and watch your back. We need to be kept informed and safe.
They just keep on keeping on,in actual fact the information we received, there was a fire.Just how many more fires at Tiwest before the DEC start doing their job.Incidents = concern, people started ringing us surprise, surprise once again nothing on the community information line.We're fed up with their good news stories, try telling the truth for a change?
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