Wednesday, 22 September 2010

Kwinana Council is not serious about stopping live exports

Kwinana Council has refused to join Fremantle Council in opposing live exports.

Kwinana Council claim they will not get involved in the animal welfare issue, and also claim they "are not interested in getting involved in the debate over live exports compared to transport of refrigerated carcasses."

Kwinana Mayor Carol Adams continues to claim that Kwinana Industry oppose live exports through Kwinana. 

Why is Mayor Adams speaking for Kwinana Industry?

How does Kwinana Industry oppose live exports when James Point Ptd Ltd the company that owns the port is an associate member of Kwinana Industries Council (KIC)?

Is this another example of the conflict of interest issue, the one the mayor won't declare?

The bottom line is that Kwinana Council is and never was really serious about stopping live exports. Once again it is all just a manipulative spin doctoring exercise in an attempt to make the council look good.

No doubt Kwinana Council and its Councillors will continue to brand me "negative", that is what they do in an attempt to discredit those who dare speak out.

1 comment:

colinhughabbott said...

Export Carol Adams ... not live sheep!