Thursday 19 June 2008

Polluter should Pay

Update on the Kwinana Industry care bears for Cockburn Sound story:

It seems, as we thought, that Kwinana Industry isn’t all that worried about Cockburn Sound and the Cockburn Sound Management Council after all. What they are most worried about and why they have been attacking the Government over CSMC funding is because the Government is proposing to make the polluter pay. Minister David Templeman stated in a press release today “I am currently exploring other funding options to further boost their (CSMC) capabilities. This includes the possibility of increasing license fees for the major emitters into the Cockburn Sound”

Therein lays the answer dear readers.

The polluters that are Kwinana Industry don’t want to pay to pollute! They want you the taxpayers of the state to pay.

And most of our media got sucked in again.
However… Mr Templeman in his press release made a big mistake when he said “Water quality in the Cockburn Sound has never been better” The water quality dear Minister has been better – much better, I can still recall how it was before Kwinana Industry did the damage.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Looks like you once again caught them out.