Saturday 7 February 2009

Rudd fails on Climate Change

And the link between bushfires, floods and climate change is?

According to this story in the, Australian greens senator Bob Brown says "Global warming is predicted to make this sort of event happen 25%, 50% more," he told Sky News. "It's a sobering reminder of the need for this nation and the whole world to act and put at a priority our need to tackle climate change."

So what are our politicians doing about climate change?

As this story in the Canberra Times shows Kevin Rudd backed down to big business over climate change policy and it seems even the Liberal oposition has outdone Labor with their climate change policy...

"Finally, the Opposition has a climate policy. Or at least the start of one. And what a start it is.

While we can squabble over the lack of detail, costings, or the mistaken focus on so-called clean coal, one thing is clear: Opposition Leader Malcolm Turnbull has announced the Coalition's target for emissions reductions 27 per cent by 2020.

In 1990, Australia emitted 552.6million tonnes of carbon dioxide.

Divide 552.6 by 150 and you've got a target more than five times as good as Rudd's measly 5per cent by 2020.

Turnbull is right to point out that Labor's trading scheme is too complex and too weak.

In negotiating with emissions-intensive businesses, Prime Minister Kevin Rudd gave in.

In doing so, he left for dead great Aussie landmarks like Kakadu and the Great Barrier Reef"

Here is a media summary from the Climate Action Summit.
Rudd's great greenwash story here.
Getup attacks Rudd's policy here.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Gidday Steve

We all mourn for the victims of Victoria's bushfires. When the mourning period is over (if ever), we must assess the environmental damage.

Tonnes of CO2 have been released by fire. Incinerated dwellings have released emissions to the atmosphere from burning asbestos, plastics and other synthetics, fuels, paints, solvents and hazardous waste.

Thousands of native animals have perished according to the media. Victoria's biodiversity will further disintegrate with local extinctions and their eco-systems will be dangerously contaminated.

Natural remediation and restoration will be a torturous process.

In the meantime, Mr Five Percent looks forward to his grand plan of expanding Australia's population and residential development will continue in bushfire prone areas.

Will Mr Five Percent and the cartel he supports (namely the corporate eco-vandals) have any concerns about Australia's fragile environment - the driest place on earth?

Did we the sheeple, expect a clone of little Johnny to be reincarnated?

Cheers from Congo