Monday, 4 August 2008

Sticks and Stones

While I was crook – I received anonymous comments on the blog, I don’t intend publishing these comments in full because they are basically abusive, and defamantory, but to give you an idea of what one has to put up with when speaking out against injustice in Kwinana, here is a run down:

“Without industry you would not have the fuel for your car, the plastic for your computer and the paint for everything amoungst some basic things. I find it deplorable that you need to cast so much dispersion on the industries that provide you with everything you use on a daily basis, especially when you DO NOT have the information, or do not quote any scientific data to make these assumptions.”

“As i have said, every one, include you Stevo, are dependant on the industires to provide basic materials for daily life. I am sure if you succedd in closing or causing immense pain to one of these industires and it results in price rise for items, you would be the first to winge to the government about how they should of stopped it from happening and how people can now not afford things because we have to get it from somewhere else and it now costs double.”

“Your blog is full of half truths that justify your complaints and do not in any way aid the environmental movement in any way what so ever”

“I deliberately searched out your blog as your name is prominant in the enviromental area, but i have since discovered that you appear to be, in my opinion, an lifeless man who wants to winge about every damn thing you can think of yet still depend on the thing industry provides you.”

“Oh Stevo, I do care, I am all for abiding by rules, but i am finding that your blog is full of assumptions and winges. You can live in a residential area without illegal noise. Didn't you realise that the industry was allready in your back yard when you were growing up? Kwinana was build to house the builders of the strip and now you complain about it? Move if you do not like the noise. No one is forcing you to stay.”

“Steve, you need to post my replies. Where are they??”

“Steve, where are my replies? Proof you only print what proofs your point.Round one to me, even though you are too scared to show it to all of your loyal followers. How does it go....NOT... “

“Steve you are a biased greeny. Why do you not print my replies?? “

“You spinless fuck. Your blog is full of lies and biased bullshit. You are too spinless to even post retorts. No one appears to read your blog based on the number of comments, and it seems you lied about cancer rates in Kwinana”

Normally I would ignore this, but decided to post these comments to give readers an idea of what anyone who speaks out against environmental injustice in Kwinana is up against. I won’t even waste my time and energy responding to some of the acusations because I am sure that most readers out there realise what is going on.

I'm Back

Hello readers,

I have been crook and spent 4 days in hospital so blog has taken a backseat.