As Rocky Enviro blogged today and as reported here...
"The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission or (ACCC) have found that Water Corp misled the public in its advertising campaigns and online publishing. The Corporation published claims that the Perth Desalination Plant was carbon neutral, and its total energy requirements were sourced from the Emu Downs Wind Farm near Cervantes, North of Perth. The ACCC said the statements were misleading and has told Water Corp, not to make similar claims in the future".
As can be seen by this article - we questioned the Government over these untruths in July 2005, but were ridiculed by the Labor Government...
So now premier Carpenter and Water Corp, where is our Public Apology?
Also maybe it's time the ACCC investigated Kwinana Industry over its recent Green and Clean claims?
The Montegiallo School of Swearing
2 months ago