Wednesday, 27 October 2010

Kwinana Council playing games with its community.

The Kwinana Council is playing games with its community.

This community is being kept in the dark and mislead over this incinerator proposal.

Just what is the real story Kwinana Council and Kwinana Industry?

You may also like to read related posts: 

Why do Kwinana Industry want MSW Incineration?

Incineration is not recycling.

Consultation what consultation?

Clean Incineration is a dirty lie.

Why incineration is a very bad idea in the Twenty First Century.

Incinerators: Myths versus Facts here.

What the US EPA says about incineration (scroll down to municipal solid waste).

Something in the air - Kwinana pollution.

Why do Kwinana Industry want MSW incineration

Why is Kwinana Industry so keen to be involved in a municipal waste incinerator?

Exactly what is Alcoa's involvement?

For the record: The Kwinana Industries Council Director is married to Kwinana Council Mayor Carol Adams. He was also involved in another incinerator proposal for Kwinana in 2000-2004 when he was working for Kwinana Council, that proposal, although approved by Kwinana Council, thankfully never saw the light of day because of the very real concerns.

Click on image to enlarge

Kwinana Industry has become so very predictable in branding any one who dare disagree or speak out, as negative.

It seems the Kwinana community is being mislead and kept in the dark over this incinerator proposal.

You may also like to read related posts:

Consultation what consultation?

Clean Incineration is a dirty lie.

Incineration is not recycling.

Something in the air - Kwinana pollution.

Update: As expected Kwinana Industry wants ratepayers to provide an incinerator so industries like Alcoa, BP and Verve can have a cheap, hide the nasties fix for their hazardous/toxic waste. Only problem is that the Kwinana community will be paying to breath the pollution from burning that waste.

Incineration is not Recycling

It seems this community is largely being kept in the dark and mislead on this incineration issue.

Waste to energy, just another name for incineration, is NOT recycling. Incineration IS destruction, incineration actually competes against recycling and has many other disadvantages.

More information:

Why incineration is a very bad idea in the Twenty First Century.

Incinerators: Myths versus Facts here.

What the US EPA says about incineration (scroll down to municipal solid waste).

My blog; Clean Incineration is a Dirty Lie.

My blog; Consultation, what consultation.