Thursday, 15 April 2010

Good News Carol

This response letter from the Mayor of Kwinana, to my conflict of interest letter of last week appeared in this weeks local:Of course the mayor (and perhaps her spin Dr's?) are trying to send the message that I was attacking the education sponsorship program itself ie; negative and against everything. Don't worry I will respond in full to this letter at a later stage.

However the response has simply highlighted the issue of spin again, and it has been suggested that maybe we should start referring to our Mayor as 'good news Carol'?

As an example of why, here are 4 articles from last Fridays Kwinana Courier:

Good News:Mayor quoted...

Bad News:
No Mayor...

Good News:
Mayor quoted...

No Mayor

As can be seen, it is just a bit too obvious that; in the good news articles the Mayor is the spokesperson for Kwinana Council and in bad news articles the CEO is the spokesperson.

So yes; 'Good News Carol' seems quite appropriate to me.

Are you as tired of the spin and manipulation as I am?