Thursday, 19 March 2009

Health Department Joins In The Campaign To Mislead

Yes our state Health Department are also once again attempting to mislead this community by claiming "the most recent report indicates there is no increase in cancer above the normal background levels in communities south of the river".

What The?

Are our health department saying that Kwinana no longer has an excess of cancer higher than Perth on average?

Are our health department saying that Kwinana no longer has an excess of cancer higher than Australia on average?

Are the health department saying that the excess of cancer in Kwinana has gone?

Of course not!

So just what are the Department of Health WA saying?

DEC Continues To Mislead The Community

The Department of Environment and Conservation continues to mislead the Kwinana Community over air monitoring of air toxics in the Kwinana Airshed.

The DEC has cut the planned monitoring of air toxics in Kwinana by claiming that Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC's) and Ammonia have been monitored for 2 years and no problem was found therefore no further monitoring is required.

Trouble is the DEC have admitted on more than one occasion at air study steering group meeting that the above statement is false because the results of the monitoring that was carried out CANNOT BE USED TO MAKE THE CLAIM THAT AIR QUALITY IN KWINANA IS OK.

We have also proven beyond all doubt that the monitoring carried out cannot be used to make any such claims. For example the main monitor used for monitoring Ammonia was situated upwind of the two major Ammonia emitters.


Why is the DEC still misleading the Kwinana Community?

Why have the DEC cut monitoring of the area which houses the States largest polluting mix of industries?