Tuesday 3 June 2008

David and Goliath

The good news is that over the past couple of nights, the Kwinana Industrial Noise has been quiet enough to allow us to sleep. The giants that are Kwinana Industry obviously got the message that we had well and truly had enough. Thanks again to the DEC for doing their job and protecting this community.

However the noise issue is far from over, this has simply been the first step, now we face the battle from many other fronts such as; Why does our state government continue to allow big industry in Kwinana to breach laws that were designed to protect the community? Why does our council do the opposite to what it should do, and thus fail its duty of care to this community? Why do the corporate giants that make up Kwinana Industry continue to attempt to divide and conquer this community, by force feeding us propaganda like - the noise has reduced, the air emissions have reduced and making statements about how they are "keeping Green and Clean" and "becoming Green and Clean", while at the same time failing to keep the community informed of major events in industry, that can and did have a detrimental impact on our lives, such as the commissioning of two major plants?

This battle is not about individuals this battle is about how the Corporate Giants of Kwinana treat those in this community that are affected by their operations, those that mostly do not have a voice because they feel too over whelmed and/or intimdated to speak out.

The injustice has to end.

Tonight we have a CIF meeting, a bi-monthly meeting between industry, community and government; we will find our voice and take the battle to the front line.

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