Thursday 5 June 2008

NW Gas fire hits home

As a result of the gas explosion on Varanus Island, Kwinana Industries that run on gas start having problems and either change their fuels or shutdown, people in local communities around Kwinana are once again impacted on.

The air pollution levels increase as industries such as Alcoa revert to burning dirty diesel fuel rather than the much cleaner natural gas. And when plants are in upset/start-up/shutdown conditions emissions usually increase.

The noise pollution levels also go through the roof as Safety Pressure Relief Valves lift and other problems occur as some industries such as CSBP are forced to shut down for example Cyanide and Ammonia plants. Then during the start-ups we will go through it all again.

We hear nothing of these impacts on the local population in the media, all we hear is how bad it is that industry will lose so much money, how good it is that Alcoa's production will not be affected poor Wesfarmers (yes those responsible for last weeks hell) had to delay the commissioning of its new $138 million LNG plant (yes the commissioning that impacted communities and they failed to inform us of) and domestic supplies to Perth suburbs may or may not be threatened.

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