Wednesday, 16 July 2008

This weeks Best of the Worst

Goes to Fremantle Ports for the cement clinker dust emissions from the Kwinana Outer Harbour bulk cargo unloading facility.

Great clouds of grey cement clinker dust from the unloading facilities west of Hismelt on and off for the past 4 days or so.

Fremantle Ports unloads the cement clinker in Kwinana for BGC.

Here an example of a Material Safety Data Sheet for cement clinker dust.

We have requested the particulate monitoring results from Fremantle Ports.

Fremantle Ports also had this problem with white clinker in May 2008, but claim "the particulate emissions met the Kwinana EPP". See this story on how the Kwinana EPP is incapable of protecting against fine particulates.

What are the workers in this area exposed to?
See this story on the health effects and concerns of
Fine Particulates in Kwinana.
Update, Friday 25-07-08:
See the story as printed on the front page of our local paper here.


Anonymous said...

The information & technology has been available on the dangers of Particulate Matter for some years. The problem we have in this state is government. Until monitoring for pm 2.5 is inclusive in industry licenses communities will contimue to be exposed.

peter said...

Whats happened to BP and their cat cracker filter. Doesnt seem to be working all that well if that thick plume of white smoke from the stack is any indicator.