Liberal Party push for Kwinana incinerator confirmed.
This article from confirms the WA Liberals involvement in the push for an incinerator in Kwinana:
ANITA McINNES, Sound Telegraph
March 10, 2011
Premier explores waste energy
Premier Colin Barnett and South Metropolitan MLC Phil Edman have visited incinerator plants in Tokyo while in Japan to mark Western Australia's 30th anniversary with sister state Hyogo.
After touring one of Moltoni Energy's reference sites in Tokyo, Mr Edman said he was encouraging Kwinana Town Council to adopt waste-to-energy technologies to help combat the State's increasing landfill issues.
Mr Edman said he was impressed by the technology, which takes residential and other wastes and converts it to low-cost renewable energy.
He said the process uses a mass-combustion process that safely processes waste using extremely high-temperatures, and the heat used created steam to drive turbines to generate electricity.
``This cutting-edge technology not only creates clean, renewable energy but the process completely converts all the waste received with the residual ash by-products into bricks and tiles for road construction (so) nothing goes back into landfill,'' he said.
He said discussions were already under way for Moltoni Energy to build an incinerator in Kwinana - the first waste-to-energy plant of its type in Australia.
``The plant would see a reduction in greenhouse gas emissions, a significant reduction in landfill and many local jobs created during and after construction,'' he said.
``The Moltoni Energy plant will enable councils to generate additional income from the resale of energy while supporting families, by avoiding the costs and levies associated with landfill sites and to contest the Commonwealth's proposed carbon tax which has caused concern among many financially-struggling families.'''
Alliance for a Clean Environment president Jane Bremmer said it was disappointing that Mr Barnett and Mr Edman had visited incinerators overseas when the Liberal Party had turned down invitations to attend a presentation by the world's leading waste expert Paul Connett when he was in Perth last month.
Typical Town of Kwinana (TOK) ... waste incineration appears to have been their considered solution for a number of years, no matter which State Government. Same industry, and industry reps right enough :-(
Despite many opportunities to und...erstand better, why are we here again??? What a sorry lot TOK Councillors and Officers are ...
re-visiting this issue again. Their time of day to this waste solution continues to fly in the face of public health knowledge, environmental science, and sustainable waste management ...
I resent the repetition and waste of time and resources while incineration of waste is proven to be less than meaningful or sustainable, and a source of harmful pollution. Can't they just get some research skill and backbone and represent advanced sustainable waste management?!
Waste to energy is a con. It's beat up efficency is impossible.
The residual pollution is proven.
Both common sense and science says there is no such thing as effective and safe waste to energy. A sad day if Petth city and suburbs let them away this.
Will this mean that we create waste in order to meet the demand of the contract? No waste, no waste to energy multinational.
What happened to effective application of Reduce, Reuse,
Recycle? And Corporate responsibility in recyclable parts?
The proposal of waste to energy is preposterous, and the Town of Kwinana has been down this road before. We didn't like it then, and we don't like it now.
The solution is, partly, in your own hands. No point complaining about them if you're funding their corrupt and, moreover, unlawful conduct.
Simply stop paying them, and just like any other corporate entity, they will collapse under their own weight. "Simply" you say? Yes.
Western Australian is currently under the the control of a foreign power, one that does not recognise the 'social contract' we currently grant the parliament power under, the Western Australian Constitution (WAC).
On Jan. 1st 2004, "The Crown", was deleted!
So if the head of power is severed, hi-jacked!, you are morally and duty bound to adhere to the lawful and convenient provision set forth in the WAC, that any law/act purportedly enacted contrary to the WAC, "SHALL BE OF NO EFFECT AS AN ACT" (S.73(2)g)
McGinty and his masonic co-defendant buddy "Governor" Sanderson thought they'd get away shape-shifting the WAC with impunity. Divine providence ensured a certain man discovered it and exposed it, and subsequently also, the depth of complicity in the overt act of treason by traitorous politicians, judges and public "servants" nation-wide. So now there is around 80 or so of them with treason and misprision of treason charges hanging over them.
Aren't "councillors" "lawmen"?
Do your communities a favour... Put em "on notice", proper, today!
Plenty of room on that court list for more traitors.
Search or Youtube "gillard treason" or check out the information on
If you want more info, no harm asking the question here.
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